Friday, December 19, 2008

LOTS of stuff to show you all!

It's the pugs' mom again- you all must be sick of me by now!!!! The pugs are too busy opening all their Christmas cards and sniffing their stockings.

Here are all of their Christmas cards! Can you believe it??? Thank goodness for them that they rarely let us cut their nails, as they can use them as letter openers.

Here's a close-up off the top part...

...and the bottom part. They are certainly a popular bunch!

These are our cards, as in for humans. They're from my mom, my friend Marissa (whose dog Rosie signed too!), our friend Brian, a family I babysit for, and my friend Sara.

The lucky pugs got even luckier because Dixie's hot-doggie boyfriend, Murphy, sent a package!!!!!!

Sophie and Dixie really sniffed out the first package. Turns out...

It was for me! BOOYAH!!! Eat it, pugs. Actually, don't eat it. It's figurative. You'd probably die if you ate those fantastic smelling bath salts and soap! Thanks Murphy and family!

They also sent a bag of doggie treats... Banana Carob Chip!!! Harles and Bugg were ALL over that bag when I opened it. I've never seen them so fired up about treats!

Then Dixie noticed the last little package for her. I can't think of a way to say this that doesn't sound inappropriate, but... Dixie LOVES balls. (I'll give you a moment to laugh... pretty appropriate since I KNOW that Murphy gets it.) Look at this green bouncy frog ball!!!! They are all over it!

Speaking of crazy-popular toys... you may notice we have a new title photo on our blog, and that there are four creatures in it. That stuffie is Gorilla.

Gorilla is VERY popular with the puggies. Here is Dixie making out with him- I mean, playing with the toy! Yikes, don't look Murphy! Anyway, it's nice to have the Gorilla in the main picture with them. We also were inspired by Miss Suki Sumo's comment on a recent blog and changed our "tagline." Check it out- Sass & Class!!!!

Pee-S... Murphy, Dixie says she will FINALLY send you something in the new year... she's quite forgetful like that. She gets distracted easily since her eyes point in different directions- please forgive her!


Joe Stains said...

we love the Murph dog's treats, the peanut butter ones make Tanner go nuts!!!

Ruby Bleu said...

I saw my card - Yay!!! I used to have a mr. gorilla...but I ate him. he was tasty. Oh and I think I saw/smelled a box from Murphy too...I sure hope it had some of those snackies in it. Mom went and hid it away from me...hmmm....

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Too Cute Pugs said...

Wowsa! We can't believe all the cards! How fun!

Gorilla looks tasty. A few of our stuffies died this week. Mommy tried sewing them awhile back but they fell apart again and now they are in garbage heaven. We're hoping Santa brings us new ones.

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Murphy Dogg said...

I'm so glad my best girl Dixie loves my ball. (tee hee)
And tell Dixie she doesn't even have to send me a present. Just being my punk rock girl is the best present a punk rock dogg can have!
Murphy Dogg

Clover said...

Hi guys!
I see my card - right at the top! :) YAY!
Thanks for sharing all that fun stuff with us!!
Love Clover xo

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog. I think you guys are the cutest!!

Salinger The Pug said...

OOOHHH! Salinger has something for his Sophie Puggy Muffin too ( share with Harles and Bugg).

If we see you before the meetup, she'd better pucker up!!!!

See you soon!

S-Dog and his peeps

The Devil Dog said...

We love your new header, it is awesome. Dad thinks it is funny that I have received more Christmas cards than he has. Hahahaha that's not counting the emailed ones. Mom was trying to send cards out but then the snow storm got her and driving was bad and the mailman had already come... you get the idea?

Anyway, we gave you an award. Come see.

Roxy & Lucky

Kelly said...

DIXIE! You are sooo spoiled by you man!

I am LOVING the new pic and title on your bloggy! It is so fitting!

Nevis said...

LOVE all the cards! very cool! And Dixie is just the cutest thing ever!

Anonymous said...

Haha yes Gus likes balls too!
Yay presents! I hope you are feeling better!