Friday, December 26, 2008

Best Christmas Ever!!!!!

Hi it's Sophie!!!!! We had such a great Christmas. Santa Paws brought us tons of toys and goodies. Dixie got some sushi-shaped toys.

I really like them too.

Dixie wouldn't let go of the big one!!!!

This one is for me- what is it?

DOGGIE BEER! Beefy Brown Ale, yum!

Mommy opened the next one from her mom! Cool jacket Mommy!!!! She also got a PUG NECKLACE from PugNotes' Melissa- Daddy was sneaky and got it for her!!!!

Harley was next- what's in the bag???

Dog biscuit mix!!!! Cheesy!

Daddy had to go on a scavenger hunt to find out what his main gift was... looks like we'll be hiding from the noise in the near future.

We also each got a toy in our stocking... I got a bouncey/scrunchy frog, Dixie got a soccer ball, and Harles got a football player loofah dog.

Dixie liked all of them.

I went on Mommy's camera to get these pics and found out that when Dixie went missing for a while- she was at Grandma's (Dad's mom) with Mommy and Daddy! WHAT THE HECK!!! Aunt Nina just got a kitten whose name is Aria. Dixie got to meet her. Whatever.

She also got to play with Uncle Webster. I asked Dixie and she says she didn't even have an accident in the house... I am so proud of her if it is true!!! I was feeling pretty icky so I wouldn't have been as good.

Dixie was pooped when she got home, so I'm not surprised she was relaxing while there too.

When she got home with Mommy and Daddy we had some beefy brown ale.

It was good! Me and Harles went at it first.

Then Dixie drank some. We all stopped though, because we realized it wasn't people beer.

When will they learn!?!?!?!

Pee-S: Mommy and Daddy say thanks for all the "congrats" since they are engaged now and we won't be illegitimate doggie children for much longer. WOOHOOOOOO!


Archie and Melissa said...

oh what a fun christmas!
great pictures! i am so glad the pendant arrived in time. i did not know that was your Brian. how fun! I am so glad it went home to you!
Have a great weekend!
Melissa and Emmitt

Eduardo said...

Y'all had a great Christmas! How was the doggy beer?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Lacy said...

w00f's, u pups sure got sum cool did dixie like the kitty cat...merry christmas...

b safe,

Brill said...

Aww I've seen that dog sushi before, it looks so fun but Pepe has tons of toys.

The fluffy kitten is so cute !!!1!!

Punchbugpug said...

What a "merry" Christmas you all had! Doggy Beer???? Hmmm, wonder what that tasted like?

Duke said...

What a wonderful Christmas everyone had! You guys need pizza to go with your doggie beer!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Sophie, Dixie, and Harles,
Glad you guys had an awesome holiday, looks like you got great stuff!
Maybe you can get your Dad to share some "people beer" on New Year's! Start working on him now ...
Murphy Dogg

Joe Stains said...

omdog you guys totally scored!! HOw was that doggie beer, I am sooo jealous!?

Brutus and Miley said...

Oh wow! Congrats on getting engaged! We are so happy for you! Happy Holidays, we miss you Harles.

Anonymous said...

We're jealous of your daddy's Christmas gift. We can't find the full kit for sale (for Wii) anywhere!

Can we come over and play? We'll bring wine...

On a total side note: the word verification for this comment is "pugga" LOL!

Anonymous said...

Those are some presents!! That doggy beer sounds really cool! :)

Liss said...

THis really was the best Christmas ever

Too Cute Pugs said...

It looks like you had great Christmas!

And there's BEER for DOGS?!!! We'll have to tell our Daddy so we can have one while he's drinking his Guinness.

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Ruby Bleu said...

What a great time you pups had!!! I love all your prezzies!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Nevis said...

Pugs getting wild with the beer! :P Party time!

Puglette said...

what a fun holiday! nothing better than a pug pile...unless it's getting engaged! congratulations and your ring is fabulous!