Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Here's what's decorating our house right now...

The "get well" flowers Brian got me last Thursday... still going strong and smelling fantastic!

Our first Christmas tree!

The humans' stockings (no fireplace? IMPROVISE!)

What's that, pugs? Are we forgetting something?


That's about all the energy I have for posting... Brian is on YET ANOTHER work trip... so we'll be trucking along missing him until Friday!


Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
I like your Christmas decorations!
We don't have a fireplace either so the stocks are at a door!
Time flies! Friday is almost here... be possitive!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

oooh, those get well flowers are BEAUtiful. and your tree is so pretty - I need to post Christmas deco pics soon...

Kelly said...

Great decor! Our trees kind of look the same- I'll post a pic of it soon. I can't hang Pearl's stocking until right before I give it to her, because she goes psycho pug on it and stalks it. She will literally look at NOTHING else for the next 2 weeks if I hang it now! :)

Nevis said...

Love your first tree! IT's so pretty!

Clover said...

Very pretty Christmas decorations! I think we will try to post some tomorrow.
Love your get well flowers too!
Love Clover xo

Stella said...

Hello to you all,

Thank you for visiting my blog. We aren't decorated yet, but my Mom is a little slow with that kind of thing. At least she made me a new bed!


Anonymous said...

Your Christmas decorations look amazing. I love your tree. I want a stocking too! I will have to tell Mom and Dad to get me one. XOXO Peanut

Joe Stains said...

Your tree is so cute!! You guys are so lucky to have your own stockings, I wonder what you will get in them?!

Duke said...

Mom says your white lillies are just beautiful! We love your Christmas tree! It's so pretty!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch