Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bugg's Day and Kick@$$ Cookies

Today Bugg got to go to the nursing home to see Grandma!!! It was a fun but short visit. Buggie caught sight of one of the house cats there and went from tired like this: all riled up! Anyway, she had fun seeing Grandma and hanging out alone with Mommy, Daddy, and Aunt Pam.

In the Christmas spirit I am sharing a DELICIOUS recipe!!!! It's called "brownie cookies" but I'm calling them "kick@$$ cookies" right now because they are quick, easy, and you can pick and choose your mix-ins. I chose toffee pieces and Reese's peanut butter chips. PB chips are the classic mix-in for this recipe, so I will list the recipe with it.

-1 Box Brownie Mix (for a 13x9 pan, usually labeled "family size")

-2 eggs

- 1/2 cup oil

-1 cup PB chips

Preheat oven to 325. Grease the pans very well with either shortening or cooking spray (these cookies can stick!) Mix all ingredients together, it just takes a spoon (not a mixer) but does take some elbow grease. It will look like this (but with more of it):

Scoop out onto the trays in small lumps. They need to be small because they spread out. I use a portioned scooper that I believe is 2 tsp. Cook for 8-9 minutes. When you take them out the center will be soft. Cool on the tray for a few minutes then on a cooling rack until firm. They're delicious and chewy!

Now, as for mix-ins... like I said, PB is classic. I've also done chocolate chips for those chocoholics, or white chocolate for a more mature taste. In the winter sometimes I see pretty green and red white chocolate chips, and these look great in the cookies. Mint chips taste FANTASTIC in these. This is the first time I added toffee bits (I did a little less than a cup of PB chips and about 3/4 cup toffee bits) and it's delicious.

Enjoy the cookies and the cute bugg picture. It's almost Christmas!


Archie and Melissa said...

hi pugs and bug!
yummy! your cookies are wonderful!
thanks for sharing the recipe!
m & e

Kelly said...

OMD OMD... if you could just put one of those brownie thingies in a box and mail it to Oklahoma, that would be okay with me!!!!!!! The dough even kinda looks like poop, which is usually my dessert of choice! MMMMM!

PS Dixie is sooo cute! I just want to hug her!

Salinger The Pug said...

Dixie Bugg, you are SO cute with balls resting on your chin! (That was for your boyfriend Murphy Dogg! Hahahaha!)

We're going to see you VERY soon! I can't wait to kiss my Sophie Puggy Muffin and play with you and Harles!

Stay away from those cookies...I know they look like poop, but it's Puggy/Buggy poison!


Duke said...

OMG, mom is drooling! I don't supposed we'll get a taste of that one! Thanks for the recipe, guys!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Clover said...

Thanks for the recipe! Those sound delicious.
We like the cute bugg picture too!

Eduardo said...

Those look so good! Thanks for sharing!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

The Devil Dog said...

Those look very, very bad, but in a really good way.

I gave you an award. Come see.


Joe Stains said...

Dad would LOVE those cookies!! THanks for the recipe!!

Puglette said...

your cookie recipe looks great! i have all the ingredients too! i love the red wall and white dresser with all the cards, so pretty!