Sunday, September 21, 2008

Not-So-Sleepy Sunday

Well there is no rest for the weary here today! The girls recently received some cute outfits from Annie at!!!! They were super excited to try them on!

They look like a little Mariachi band!!!! Hola puggies!!

These are the perfect colors for them. Thanks Annie!!!!!

I also decided to work on a new blanket today, since one is now the pug's bed liner in their room, and the other (the Colts one) is totally dingy! For those of you who haven't made them, fleece blankets are easy to make, just get two yards of two fabrics, line them together and pin them, cut strips into each side, tie, and voila! Blanket! Well, the girls wanted to help... thanks.

They're not very good helpers. But they do like the blanket. I bet they are glad I am not an EXCELLENT blanket-maker like Roxy and Lucky's mom. They wouldn't know what to do with themselves!

Well, I guess this last picture is a "Sleepy Sunday" style photo. Oh, and GO COLTS!


Ruby Bleu said...

Neat blankie...what nice colors!!! Oh and guess what??? Mom did the sniffer test on me and I have them too!!! We'll have to catch them on video to show you!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Archie and Melissa said...

oh my gosh!
those sweaters are the cutest things ever! you are right, the colors are perfect for them.
we also love your blanket!
emmitt is snoozing from all the singing to dixie today. he had fun!
m & e

The Devil Dog said...

Mom says thank you for the compliment. She doesn't know if she is excellent, but she has fun. The fleece looks nice and comfy. Great photos. I approve of the way they are helping.


The Devil Dog said...

Oh yeah, the sweaters are adorable!


Liss said...

Nice blankie. I love the sweaters. Ricky sends smooches, that's bold for him ;)

Anonymous said...

So there's no sewing? Am I correct to think I may actually be able to make this?!

Cute fabric btw!

Nanette said...

Adorable sweaters and very nice fleece blanket!

Duke said...

You look adorable in your new sweaters and we love your new blankies too! You're all set for the cooler temps now!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Eduardo said...

Love that blanket!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Nevis said...

Awww...such cute puggies! And the little mariachi band comment....Bhahahahahha! Too funny!!

Clover said...

Hi girls! Your new sweaters are beautiful! You look very stylish. And I love your new blankie too! Very cute fabric.
Love Clover xo

Murphy Dogg said...

You both look smashing in your new sweaters. And Dixie ... let me just say I totally dig how that snug blue sweater hugs your curves. Va va voom!
Murphy Dogg

Anonymous said...

You guys look awesome in your sweaters! I love it! :)