Friday, September 26, 2008

Mast Cells Strike Again

Poor Sophie is barely getting the blog attention for this that Dixie did, but yes, she has a mast cell tumor too. The vet commended us on bringing her in for it. I guess I'm just anal ever since Dixie's butt bump turned out to be a mast cell tumor.

The little bump has been there forever, but it's acting like Dixie's... fluctuating in size and getting red/weird when you touch or poke it. The vet took a sample and actually was able to check it out right then. You can see it in the above (older) picture of her (older as evidenced by her harness, it's like carbon dating for pug pictures!) It's above her nose to the left (her right) directly next to her eye. It just appears to be a small bump or mole (like Dixie's) but turns out of course to be a tumor. My poor heart and wallet cannot take too much of this!! She has to get surgery next week- when I'm in Miami. ::SOB!::

Keep Sophie in your thoughts! (And me, Brian, and Dixie too!)


Eduardo said...

We will pray for her!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Harry Pugalicious said...

We're sorry to hear that Sophie is going through this. I hates going to the vet, and I've been there plenty lately! Mom says she understand how you feel - both emotionally and fiscally. Good thing you peoples loves us pugs and buggs so much!

Archie and Melissa said...

oh i am thinking of sophie! I am sorry you have to go through this too.
miss sophie, this is not a competition with your bugg sister. :) we love you!
m & e

Liss said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that, it just stinks I hope all goes well.

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

Poor Sophie... I will be praying for her. I had a hard time with Coco's health problems but I was able to take care of him and still survive financially speaking. Don't worry, everything is going to be fine.

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh no...poor Sophie. My paws are crossed for you!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

P(ee)S: So good you caught it so early - yay!

Duke said...

Our paws are crossed for you, Sophie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

We are sending healing vibes to her, we are sorry :(

Anonymous said...

oh poor Sophie. Like good sisters you guys share everything....including emptying mommy's wallet!!You'll be just find with Daddy and Dixie next week - we'll be thinking about you!

Anonymous said...

Poor Sophie! I hope everything goes well during your surgery. Get well soon!

Nevis said...

Will definatly keep Sophie and your family in my thoughts & prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Thinking of you guys!

Salinger The Pug said...

OMG, I don't check in for a few days and NOW I find out that my Little Puggy Muffin has cancer on her face????????

I am too distraught to do or say anything at this point.



Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about the tumor. I hope everything goes well. We'll be praying for you little puggies!

I just had three mast cell tumors removed a couple months ago. :(

I get extra hugs and cuddles. So it's not all bad.

pugfreak said...

I'll be thinking of you! I also just had a mast cell taken off my leg and wish you a quick recovery.

Sandy said...

I'm am sorry to hear this. I sure will keep her in my prayers.