Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pugtastic Wedding Pictures Part 1

Kelly here with some photos! I'm just going to start from the beginning. Hilarious story- Brian and his groomsmen only brought ONE leash for THREE pugs!!! We were in emergency mode for a while but luckily our photographer had rope for us to use.

Here Brian is saying hi to his baby!

Uncle Steve holding Dixie:

Harles looking dignified!

Here Brian is looking handsome and happy with his three baby pugs! Check out those outfits made by Punchy!

The boys:

Doesn't Harles look great in a tie?

Here I am with Sophie girl!

And pretty miss Dixie.

Our family!!!!!!!

Lots more pictures coming up!


BRUTUS said...

Just love that the pugs were part of the wedding party! Hope they got a little champagne too ;)

Did you get married in a park/outside or in something like a church? I'm sure we'll see the photos soon, I just can't help but ask! Imagining me asking the church were we got married if my dogs could be part of the ceremony...


Those Elgin Pugs said...

What Beautiful Pictures!!!

What a beautiful family.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my word!! We just love the wedding outfits..BOL
Benny & Lily

dw said...

Aww, Harles does indeed look very distinguished in a tie!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh what fantastic photos of the wedding and whole family.
What a fun event!

Punchbugpug said...

I love them all!!!!

Salinger The Pug said...

Ok, Kelly you were GORGE and all that (yadda yadda)....but O M G....that pic of of Brian and Harley peeking under his arm just KILLS ME!!!!!

These are the best wedding pics of all time. Erin is amazing (even if she did have great subjects to work with).

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Awesome pictures!! I love them! Clover especially loves those Harles pics. He does look very dignified.
And I am still in love with Punchy's puggy outfits and the wedding colours. :)

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Such great photos! We just love their outfits - Punchy did a great job on them :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Vee said...

I love these pics; it's making me so excited to have my two girls in our wedding! Hahaha :)

Apollo said...

What a beautiful family!

Nevis said...

I'm LOVING all of the photos but I need MORE MORE MORE!!! The babies look so adorable. I know I'm Dixie's #1 fan but Harles steals my heart in these photos! SO DAMN ADORABLE in his little tie and serious expression! :-) Again, CONGRATS on the wedding darling!!!

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Congrats! Love that the pugs were included in the wedding day!

Ruby Bleu said...

You guys looked totally awesome!!!! Just love the pictures!!! Thanks for sharing!

Michel & Ruby

NeilP said...

A brave girl, holding black pugs wearing a white wedding dress. If you get within 20 feet of our pug wearing something white, you'll come away with black pug hairs all over you.

Congratulations on the wedding!!!

Fred said...

{sigh} This is so embarrassing...Old Girl says your shoes are fabulous, and she wants to see pictures of your dress.
Geez, Old Girl! ;P

Duke said...

All of you look sensational on a very special day!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Puglette said...

cute, cute, cute!! you all look great. you look so pretty in your wedding gown. i love that photo of your men, that's a classic.

Puglette said...

cute, cute, cute!! you all look great. you look so pretty in your wedding gown. i love that photo of your men, that's a classic.

Yours Truly said...

I LOVE your photos with the dogs!

Marlene's Mom

Stubby said...

Hi Kelly! I love, love, love all the pictures! You and Brian are so much in love with each other and your puggies. It looks like you had a wonderful day and will have a wonderful life together.

Stubby xoxo

Harry Pugalicious said...

We loves these pictures!!! Mom thinks it's so great that the puggies and buggie gots to be such a big part of your wedding. I's like "well, duh ... like pug peoples wouldn't have their pugs in the wedding!"

Anyways, the girls looks so pretty in their dresses and Harles... well, LuLu seems to have a big crush now. The pic of Harles and his dad (The Boys) is Mom's favorite.

We can't waits to see more!

Liss said...

These pics are FAB! You guys all look beautiful/handsome. Love the dress.

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

You all look stunning! We love the new header pic.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Uncle Puppy by Proxy

Kelly said...

This is Pearl, officially requesting that the Bugg Gooroo grace us with her presence SOON!!!


Teena in Toronto said...

You guys look amazing!

Happy blogoversary :)

Puggle Preston said...

ohh awesome pictures! how specialy you guys got to be in your parents wedding photos.

you all look GREAT!


Dallas Clark, Reggie Wayne, and Peyton Annie Manning said...

OMD, Miss Kelly, these pics are GREAT! You all looked so beautiful! THanks for sharing!

The Pug Corral

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Congratulations to you all! Those pugs are too, too cute:)

Liss said...

Join us for Christmas in July!

Emily and Ike said...


Unknown said...

Toooooooooooooooo Cute! Unbelievable! what a gorgeous family!!!