Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Workin' it for KPR!

Kelly here! I think Sophie did a great job posting earlier (no Wordless Wednesday for us!) but I had to add a few things!

Ok, be honest... how many pug (or other type of dog, if you are so inclined) cards do you have sitting around? That you bought just because they have pugs on them!? I realized I was out about a month or two ago... and I picked these up in MARCH. Not including the ones I purchased in March and SENT. Really, I have a problem. Brian's birthday note was on a BT card though... part shout-out to Murphy, part mixing it up!

I also forgot to post about this treasure from March in the Pugs. Hank's mom showed it to us and we HAD to have it. Brian and I love coming up with cheesy parodies of songs to involve pugs, and many are Beatles songs, such as: "Happinesssss is a warm pug (snort snort lick lick)" so this cup made us very, very happy.

One side has "Sgt. Puggers Lonely Barks Pug Band" and the other says "All you need is PUGS!"

What I love about these events are that there are a ton of vendors, and also a ton of people who donated their goods for the hugely popular raffles! So I have begun to do some work for KPR to find donations for our events. It is some dog stuff, and then also some non-dog stuff, like candles, or gift cards, or even stuff like the Indiana University basket we won. Of course gift cards will have to work for Indiana and/or Kentucky, unless they are a national or online chain. The dog things we are getting donations for used to be more like collars/leashes, but we've branched out to things like vet shot packages, crates, and even dog beds! Do you know of someone who would like to donate their items? I would love to know!! Or if you have ideas of non-traditional places that I could ask for donations, please let me know. If anyone does great donations, I might just post about it! Also, the donations are tax deductible. Tomorrow I am going to my favorite cupcake shop to talk to them about it and to pick up some cupcakes! I think I like this donations thing...


Punchbugpug said...

I'd be happy to donate a dress if you'd like!

Hank said...

Ya know what I said about my mom's elevator not goin' all the way to the top? She didn't even notice "all you need is pug" on the cup 'til last week!!

Uh...huh huh.....yeah.

Jen and Suki said...

My pawrents like to sing "Five, five dollar, five dollar PUG DOOG" to that Subway commercial. I have dorky people who probably watch too much teevees.

A Tail of 3 Doggies said...

We'll ask our mom and see if she has any ideas for you!

OOOOOOOh our word verification is:

So were gonna get our tails twagin, and get on outta here!

Apollo said...

My Mommy and I are volunteering at Bella Dog Bakery once a month to raise money and awareness about KPR. I'm sure they'd be willing to donate things.