WOW! Sophie here and am I ever tired. I can barely work up the energy to type this. We had the Mutt Strut this weekend. A few of you even donated to our efforts and so we were proud to represent you guys at the event! Mom made us wear stoooopid bandanas that were black and white. She said they were like the flags that they have at races, since we were going to the racetrack.
We had to wait in the car while Dad put gas in the car.

I wanted to go out and help Dad! Mom wouldn't let me.

Notice there is also a liquor store outside. That's my kind of errand!

Harles was excited for the nice weather!

When we left, Dad let Dixie drive. Scary, right?!

Look at this Bugg. Does she look capable of driving around a large Jeep?

When we got there, my siblings and I were excited to read all the pee-mail and hang out in the gorgeous weather.

This dog was one of MANY we saw that we have never ever seen before. We usually only see dogs that are, well, pugs. This one was HUGE and fluffy and had its hair in a ponytail, and also had a stooopid bandana!

This dog we know of since some of our blogger friends are the same: Doxies! She was wearing a HAT! BOL! How did her human get her to do that!?!?!

We also recognize this type of dog- an AIREDALE! It is a Colts fan just like us!

This dog was like, super fat and short.

Look at all the humans!!!!!

Harles peed on a water jug!!!! How embarrassing.

Then we met Brewster. Holy cow. This dog was a chee-wa-wa, whatever that means, and he wore SUNGLASSES.

Yea we don't get it either. How did they stay on? Mom would NEVER get sunglasses on me, that's for sure.

Strangely, Mom approved of this sunglasses-wearing pup.

What's funny is Mom forgot her sunglasses, but Brewster didn't! BOL!

This dog was furry and really pretty and had blue eyes!

These dogs are common and we see their type a lot. They are always nice to us!

This dog was sniffing my water bowl so I gave him a good sniffin' too.

THESE dogs... wow. I have never seen anything like them. Tall, super-skinny, and like... floaty hair like Mommy's hanging down. They were like 2 inches thick I'm serious!!!! That's crazy!

Dixie met another dog like Brewster... a chee-wa-wa.

This doggie was ridin' like a diva in her cart!

These are our new friends Carson and Tallulah. Their dad Troy was the team leader of our Mommy's team!

They got to ride in style in this stroller. They seem to like each other a lot.

Then we met some of Mommy and Daddy's friends' che-wa-wa's. The brown one is Violet, and she met me and Dixie first.

I gave Violet a good sniffin'. In the back there is her brother, Batman.

Here are Violet and Batman. Their pawrents are Mommy and Daddy's friends!

OMD THIS DOG IS SOOOO FUNNY LOOKING!!!! You should have seen his face he was making really funny faces!

This is Troy Mom's team leader. He wore a tutu because he lost a bet. Our team was Comedy Sportz, which is where Troy works. It is a cool improv comedy place. If you live near Indy you should check it out! We wanted to but Mom said no dogs are allowed there.

Here is Dixie before the walk. We were still just hanging out waiting to walk and she was ALREADY pooped! Proof she put on way too much winter weight.

There was like a massively huge dog on our team. Mom said it was a Great Dane. He tried to say hi to Batman.

Batman was like, not at all happy about this dog saying hi.

Here are the che-wa-wa's, Violet and Batman! Together they weigh like half as much as one of us!

Our pal Emma was tired before the walk too.

THIS DOG HAD BLUE HAIR! BOL! He had a mohawk!

Look, Violet has some teefies showing!

Finally after hanging out and looking at Doggies, we head to the track. Batman rode in the wagon first.

This is what it looked like. It was SO BIG!

Look how it is on an incline!

Harles had to use the wagon first. He sort of drags his feet and they start to bleed a little bit where his nails start. He also breathes really loud and people were like, "Um your dog is loud!" BOL!!!!

His tongue was out for like, EVER!

Mom and Dad thought that Dixie would walk the whole way. Nope she is wayyy fatter now and jumped right in the cart like pretty soon after Harles.

Look how happy she is! She made herself at home!

I was the only trooper. I NEVER had to use the cart.

They are so silly... Dixie should have walked maybe she would lose a few pounds, BOL!

There was a lot of tongue hanging action in the wagon.

There was a lot of great green grass that we weren't allowed to run on.

Our friend Violet got hot so her mom gave her a quick dunk in some water!

Dixie and Harley were happy to rest while Violet got a bath!

The trip around the track was 2.5 miles. Our usual walks are probably about .1 miles.

Dad thought I should go in the wagon. I disagreed.

Right after Mommy took the picture I jumped right out.

Violet was such a good girl. If her mom put her down she wouldn't even run away!

I decided that I did not want to ride in the wagon, or walk. Therefore Dad had to carry me. BOL!!!!

This dog was like, the prettiest color ever!

We had to wait when we were done so that we could get a team picture.

Dixie was seriously DONE for the day.

When we got in the car, I passed out on Mommy RIGHT away! Look at the sunburn on Mommy's face too!

Dixie decided she wanted to be on the floor near the A/C vent! Smart girl!

We had such a fun time and can't wait for next year!