Sunday, August 3, 2008


Two funny comments were made about the pugs this weekend. At the pug festival Saturday, a little boy said "That pug looks like a cow!!!!" He was referring, of course, to Sophie's sagging mammaries. Poor girl! Then, my sister, "Aunt Melinda," wrote on my Facebook wall about Dixie's surgery, "I hope Dixie got a breast lift and can finally turn left as a result of the surgery." I'm not sure if I've mentioned it, but she also has sagging mammaries and due to puppy mill anxiety only turns one direction when running in circles. Oh how I love them. And my sister!

This is Dixie's new smile as a result of the TWO teeth extractions from her surgery. What a cutie pie!!! We just got back from the Radiohead concert... so, we're tired- goodnight!!


Eduardo said...

Look at that beautiful smile!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Punchbugpug said...

A cow??? The little girl my daughter nannys for looked at a picture of our gang and said.."sheep!"

I love the smile...teeth or not!

Nevis said...

Awww! Dixie is so adorable!

Nevis said...

Hey, quick question...I know that Dixie came from a puppy mill...does she suffer from any sort of emotional isues because of having been raised in that environment? Does she have seperation anxiety? Does she have more bathroom accidents than Sophie?

Preppy Pugs said...

Love the pug teeth! Our Winston has a double row of front bottom teeth, we call them his shark teeth.

Puddleglum said...

Such a pretty smile!

I have a baby tooth that just won't go away, so I'm going to have to get it removed soon.

Archie and Melissa said...

dixie! we love your smile!
m & e

Jen and Suki said...

I just loves the puggy teeth!

Duke said...

You have a one-of-a-kind smile, Dixie! You're a beauty!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Murphy Dogg said...

My little sis, Ginger, has the big droopy mammies from being in a puppy mill too! I tease her and call her Nipples. Tee hee.
Murphy Dogg
P.S. Love the crooked teeth!

Anonymous said...

She is a world famous fashion model.. like Zoolander.. he can't make a left turn either!!

Aww poor Bugg.. she still has a pretty smile!