Today, Brian finished off a near-empty container of peanut butter. Guess who helped clean it up?
Sophie was standing on her hind legs for SO LONG to get to the peanut-buttery goodness!
All three wanted in on this delicious treat!
Look at that form! She looks like a biped!
I took a video... but had a brain-fart and held the camera sideways. Nice right? My two jobs plus job 3 (wedding planning) have turned my brain to mush... sometimes I honestly can't function and think I have lost brain cells. Anyways, do a pug head tilt and check out Sophie's amazing form!!!!
I also wanted to do my part and support breast cancer research this month. While at Walgreen's, I noticed they had PINK SNUGGIES for just that purpose! Snuggie is donating $50,000 from Pink Snuggie sales to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Walgreen's had it for only $14.99!!! I think it was $20+ at Bed Bath & Beyond.
Anyways, the pugs gave the Snuggie 3 paws up!
I'm honestly just flabbergasted by her cuteness!
Dixie snuggled up too! She's dreaming about her gift for Murphy for their one year anniversary... I can't wait to tell you all about it!
Harles is probably dreaming of Clover gal!
Am I the luckiest girl ever or what?
Everyone go get 1) some peanut butter for your pups and 2) a PINK SNUGGIE!